Multi-Gas Test Chamber - ASTM
Multi-Gas Test Chamber – Auto Technology Company
The Auto Technology Multi-Gas Test Chamber performs moist S02 tests in accordance with DIN 50017 & 50018 and ASTM G87. It delivers state-of-the-art design, bench top flexibility and more.
Meets DIN 50017 & 50018 and ASTM G87
Angled top designed for ASTM testing
Self-contained heating element
Automatic controls
Shatterproof Plexiglas viewing ports
PVC lining
Bench top design

The 300-liter chamber has been specifically engineered to meet these critical test conditions.
The specially designed roof prevents condensation from dripping on the specimen.
This exclusive feature delivers controlled, uniform heat for precise testing.
Provides an accurate and easy flow of gas into the chamber.
By presetting flow rate, time and temperature controls, accurate test conditions are met–automatically.
For unobstructed, safe test observation as well as the entrance of lines, leads, additional controls, etc.
The durable non-porous lining ensures long cabinet life.
The unit has been designed to operate on a workbench under a ventilation hood for greater operator safety.
Standard Specifications:
Lift Capacity: up to 200 lbs. per carrier Cycle Time: 120 seconds or less (based on 30 sec. transfer) Maximum Rack Size: 32″ (D) x 12″ (W) x 60″ (H) Voltage, standard DC: 230 volt, 60 Hz, 1-phase AC or Hydraulic: 230/460 volt, 60 Hz, 1-phase
Learn more about our mixed flow gas chambers